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“Entrepreneurs cannot be just busy. The question is what we are busy about” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship If you define your self-worth as an entrepreneur by how busy you are, it’s time to find another lifestyle. We all know people who are extraordinarily busy but never seem to accomplish anything. For…

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“In the interests of the prosperity of the company, an entrepreneur should be diligent in foreseeing the possibilities of calamities, try to avert before they arise, overcome those that happen” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship An entrepreneur must be able to foresee problems which will help manage stress and avoid sudden breakdown…

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“It is an entrepreneurs responsibility to put a smile on the customer’s face, employee’s face and owner’s face, while balancing the society, environment and economics” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship For entrepreneurs, your customers whom you serve, need your best products and services to make them smile and it is 100% your…

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“Entrepreneurship is a bit of everything” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Business as usual for an entrepreneur means juggling a little bit of everything. This includes ups and downs, celebration and panic and LOTS of learning.As an entrepreneur and business owner, you have to embrace the learning process because it is constant.You…

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“Entrepreneurs mind their business; never distracted but devoted and determined” – Naveen Lakkur ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Distraction is the new illness of our generation of entrepreneurs. There is too much noise, too much information overload. If you don’t start controlling your environment, you are destined to FAIL. When you set out to become…

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ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship For an entrepreneur to leverage himself, any goal has to be evaluated to identify its ability and quality. You also need to assess whether your partnerships are the right ones. After finding a suitable partner or companion to associate with in the business, things become a lot more easier as…

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ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship There are only so many hours in a day. Work and life fight over who gets more of entrepreneurs and it’s called the struggle “work-life balance.” However, giving attention to one doesn’t have to take away from the other. Managing time can be a zero-sum game for an entrepreneur because extra hours…

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ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Outstanding entrepreneurs focus on the goal; they don’t worry about mundane factors, or the risks that they are taking. They look and work toward the future. Never take your eye off the ball or worry about what someone else is doing. There will always be people with more money or more celebrity,…

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ENTREPRISING ~ Rising in Entrepreneurship Planning your life must happen if you want to win at the long game of entrepreneurship. Many people look at short term games, but it’s important to be committed for the next 20 years of your life if you want to achieve something considerable. Planning your life is all about…

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