Category Archives: Courses

ENABLING INNOVATIVE THINKING The capacity to be innovative has become a required core competency for every person, in every job, every day. And while everybody aspires to think out of the box, organisations need a catalyst to nurture this potential and build the competency among their employees. This workshop aims to equip you to think…

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A LITTLE EXTRA WORKSHOP – A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND LEADERSHIP It is the ‘little extra’ secrets for eXtraOrdinary results. In order to understand how to be a little extra, one needs to learn the secrets from those who have gone through the cycle and produced extraordinary results. This workshop is all about…

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‘Creativity & Innovation as Inseparable Twins’ – A Training Programme To Inspire Young Minds Organizations need individuals with creative and innovative insights to find and solve meaningful problems. Two is always better than one, and when this paired principle is put into practice, the results are ever-inspiring and can deliver superior results in the workplace.…

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ACES THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD – A Training Program for Young Leaders PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT. STAY RELEVANT. STAY AHEAD. Everyday in your career is a new day with new challenges which constantly pushes you to do more and be more. The objective of this workshop is to kindle the hidden inner potential in you…

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A Training Programme to Build a Robust Innovation Culture Leaders or aspiring leaders in various functions in an organization desire to deliver superior and innovative results in every task, every day. This is a Signature Program for corporates who want to drive change and create the right culture for innovation which can bring in positive…

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LEADING CHANGE A Training Programme to nurture Intrapreneurship Change is constant and inevitable. Leadership demands the willingness to recognise the need for change, and the ability to lead it. This is an Innovation Competency Development Program for the movement of introducing innovation and bringing about positive change. Through a deep immersion session with 9 modules…

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Creation with Consciousness A Training Programme to enable Innovations for the future About the Course To create a better tomorrow, be it for your own-self or your business unit or your organisation by having a meaningful purpose & develop the capability to have a Wholistic Approach, Human Values Centric and Structured for Sustainability. Course Coverage Understanding…

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About the Course It is a necessity for ‘Systems Thinking’ and imperative to take ‘Strategic Initiatives’ especially during these challenging times. Are we equipped to look at the world allowing us to see how these interconnections between small pieces happen that comes together to make a more complex whole? Course Coverage Developing mindsets required for Systems…

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This workshop is for professionals, entrepreneurs, and students. What you will learn? You will learn to: Develop ‘Innovation Mindset’ 9 Yards Innovation Journey framework Connecting the dots Workshop designed by Naveen Lakkur, serial entrepreneur turned innovation coach. It is based on the book ‘a Little Extra™’. The workshop aims to Equip participants to take up…

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