
Springing Back From Failure to Success in eXtraOrdinary

“A smooth ride towards success is ordinary; Springing back from failure to success is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur As much as we wish for our rides to be smooth in our life and career and the growth to be linear, it rarely is that way.  Failures are part & parcel in the journeys of innovation, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship because of its nature where the journeys are filled with uncertainties and surrounded by unpredictabilities. There’s an ancient wisdom that says “It’s not important how many times you fall, what’s important is how many times you rise”. I would like to extend it…“It’s not important how many times you fall, what’s important is how many times you rise and also how quickly you rise”. Presenting 3 Little Extras that could help you rise every time that you fall in the innovation journey:
  1. Have a clear purpose
  2. Focus on the problem worth solving
  3. Attitude of you are the chosen one to solve this problem

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