
Happy Vara Mahalakshmi 2023

“Innovation in general is ordinary; Innovation based on Human Values is eXtraOrdinary.” – Naveen Lakkur

If it weren’t for innovators and their innovations, we would still be eating raw greens and meat, using our hands for everything. The world changed with each innovation in the wheel, bread, the printing press, and information technologies. These innovations propelled humanity into a better future.

Necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention (innovation). It could arise from within oneself or the need to serve a large community. When innovations are based on uplifting and propagating welfare within communities, it is indeed a commendable feat.

It is imperative as a part of a society to give something back, but in the case of innovators who create based on human values – they build societies around their goal, ensuring better living standards.

Let the human values be the source of guidance, inspiration, commitment and tangible results in your Innovation Journey.

We wish and hope from Goddess Vara Mahalakshmi to bless your innovation journey with – Sree (Wealth), Bhu (Earth), Sarasvati (learning), Preeti (love), Keerti (Fame), Shanti (Peace), Tushti (Pleasure) and Pushti (Strength).

Happy Vara Mahalaxmi.

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