
a Little Extra Talk with Amarnath Mysore Lakshman

“Creating something very good & useful is ordinary; Creating something very good & useful and giving it away is extraordinary”

First of all, it’s not easy to create something very good & useful. In fact creating something itself means #innovation and if one has to develop a Little Extra attitude of giving it away after creating something very good & useful means extraordinary. It’s about bringing #HumanValues to the forefront complimenting Innovation.

Naveen Lakkur author of the book ‘a Little Extra®’ in conversation with Anurag Vaish who has created the platform Mentza which he is happy about and we are proud of, as it’s something very good & useful also given away for people to share knowledge. Indeed a great example for today’s theme.

Conversation with Amarnath Mysore Lakshman brings out several little extras related to #nutrition; ways to develop healthy body & healthy mind; vision to build a healthy nation and many more…it’s very interesting…His passion, his commitment and his actions to create a healthy world is indeed infectious. Listen to the conversation…you will find it interesting too…

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