

image courtesy: For those starting their career in sales, I would like to share an amazing learning I had while interacting with my friend, Rajesh Setty. Rajesh has been very innovative and different in his approach to sales. If we don’t understand and qualify leads properly we might be stuck with possibilities. Though possibilities are enormous but then we need to focus on opportunities which are real. I realized and have witnessed so many sales people being lost with possibilities. They put enormous efforts but end up with no results. What makes sales personnel successful is their ability to identify and chase the right opportunities.

Catching the Leads

Let me illustrate it with a real life example – ‘Business Leads’ are like cobras. And one needs to catch the cobra by the neck. If you catch it elsewhere other than the neck it would bite you which is fatal. The same thing can be co-related to many sales people. They don’t know really where to catch the lead to really qualify it. And if they are working on it for a very long period they have lost not only precious time but also a chance to encash other opportunities. It’s very important therefore to catch the leads by head, qualify them quickly and convert them into real business opportunities. Happy qualifying and selling… You may also like

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