
a Little Extra Talk with Parthasaradhi Nara

“Having a true friend is ordinary; Being a true friend is extraordinary”

We are humans and as humans we need companionship and the best companionship is a true friendship. The emotional intelligence which originates from that little brain in the heart resonating and finding a match, is a true friend.

a Little Extra that a true friend bestows is Trust.

We feel comfortable with them; we feel safe with them; we can afford to be ourselves with them – without a Little Extra mask; we enjoy being with them; we can lean on their shoulders without hesitation; time just flies when we are with them; we never get bored when we are with them; we keep finding opportunities to meet them…While the list of benefits of having a true friend can grow much longer…Then, What does it take for BEING a true friend?

a Little Extra of this concept is when we extend it to a product where several products are referred to as ‘being a User Friendly Product’, or extending it to an organization ‘being customer friendly organization’ or ‘being employee friendly organization’…

Based on the chosen theme from the book a Little Extra®

“Having a true friend is ordinary; Being a true friend is extraordinary”.

I had #aLittleExtra talk today on Mentza with Parthasaradhi Nara, Founder & Director of Anantha Natural Farmers Producers Company who has created a Farmer Friendly Organization…

I think you’ll find the recording of this 20+min live conversation interesting. Check it out!

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